Wednesday, January 30, 2008

T Minus 2 Days

I leave in 2 days, wow! I'm trying to pack, think of all the little things I'll need, and say goodbye to many dear people. One of my best friends just had a baby, and it's hard to believe that the baby will be almost 5 months old when I see her next. I'm feeling such a mix of emotions! Lord, be the balance.
I'm hopping on a plane at 6:05 AM (whhheeeew, that's early) on Friday and should be in Guatemala by 12:30 PM! I'll have to write more later, my mind is a little too jumbled to write coherently right now... Guatemala, here I come! 
One more thing: I got an email from Patricia (one of the staff who is running the school at Kids Alive Guatemala) and she asked me to be praying that the school curriculum and materials would be ready soon. School started back up this week and you can imagine how hard it would be to teach without the books and materials you need. Please pray for the teachers, the girls, and Patricia as they go through their first week of school. 

1 comment:

Kristi & Drew said...

You are there now! I'm so excited for you. I love you and I'll be praying for you. The Lord is going to use this experience in such wonderful ways. I can't wait to hear how everything goes!
