Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm not sure where to begin! I'm in the middle of my 6th week here, wow, I am amazed at how fast this is flying by. The newness is wearing off, and I feel a little more comfortable everyday. I guess the point is not to be comfortable though...I guess I should say I'm sort of getting used to being here. I don't get nervous anymore when I'm going to the blue house for breakfast and dinner and it's easier for me to ask questions and relay my thoughts. I'm getting to know the girls better and it gives me so much joy when they're excited to see me everyday. Last night one of the girls told me to call her "sister" instead of "friend." I can't put into words how wonderful this is! All of these things are such blessings, and God has completely provided for my needs in so many ways. I love it, but I've noticed that I've started looking for ways to be lazy... ways to get around doing what I don't want to do. I am embarrassed to admit this. The Lord is challenging me to work hard, and run hard after Him daily. He is teaching me to deny myself and my comfort and my selfish desires, and follow Him into the places I don't feel like going. I have to trust Him, that He will never leave me alone.  Life is not about being comfortable...

"God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him." -John Piper (I've been listening to his sermons on his website-

Here's another link to my second photo album from my time down here:

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