Sunday, February 3, 2008

For future reference: The Oasis is the specific Kids Alive site where I'm working. It's located in San Lucas, Guatemala. The website is, check it out!

I've been here two days and I'm loving it so far! Patricia (the principal of the school at the Oasis), Julia (an intern at the Oasis from England, she's lots of fun and her accent is great!), and I went to church this morning and I was happy to find out that the sermon was going to be translated for a group that is here from Ohio. The pastor welcomed the congregation and then asked if there was anyone there for the first time. Most of the Guatemalans had no problem standing up and introducing themselves to the crowd of people, but I wasn't going to if I didn't have to. I asked Patricia if I needed to stand up, but by that time it was too late. The pastor had already spotted this white girl in the crowd and pointed to me and made me stand up, haha! I'm not blending in very well!! 

I am really enjoying being here! The weather is so beautiful and I am surrounded by mountains. Last night I looked up and saw more stars that I've ever seen before! Instead of pigeons or those little black birds that cover the power lines at home, there are bright green parrots. They are really noisy. I am not in the Alabama anymore! 

This week I'll be getting to know the girls, helping out with the Kindergarten/1st grade class in the school, and helping get ready for a donor dinner that Julia has planned. The girls call her Julian, it's pretty funny. I think the girls are going to call my Catty, but some call me Caterin, which is so cute. I am so glad to be here, thanks for praying, encouraging, and supporting me!!

Julia just told me that she made a website for her friends in England to donate money to the Oasis. So, if you're interested, here's the web address: If you look at the website, the two little girls in the picture are Aldi and Maria! Like I said before, Julia is British, so it's set up in pounds. When you get to the payment part it asks you what country you're from and you can change it to the US. Just thought I'd let you know about it!

Hopefully I'll be able to put some pictures on here soon! 

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